Who doesn’t love the sight and taste of a chanterelle. It’s the mushroom on everyone’s lips. And why not – beautiful golden colour, rich texture and sooo delicious! McDowell eats so many mushrooms she tends to forget how wonderful the ubiquitous chanterelle is until she finds one and  it’s love at first sight all over again.


Chanterelle mushrooms, Sunshine Coast, BC, Canada

Chanterelle mushrooms, Sunshine Coast, BC, Canada

Chanterelle mushrooms, Sunshine Coast, BC, Canada

Yes, McDowell was recently back from Cuba and posed the beauty chanties with a bottle of rum. Arrr matey. Which segues into a riddle from my friend Jay.

What’s a pirate’s favourite letter?

R   (I responded – duh)

Ahh yes, but they also like the C


About Cantharellus cibarius

Cantharellus cibarius, commonly known as the chanterelle, golden chanterelle or girolle, is a fungus. It is probably the best known species of the genus Cantharellus, if not the entire family of Cantharellaceae. It is orange or yellow, meaty and funnel-shaped. On the lower surface, underneath the smooth cap, it has gill-like ridges that run almost all the way down its stipe, which tapers down seamlessly from the cap. It emits a fruity aroma, reminiscent of apricots and a mildly peppery taste (hence its German name, Pfifferling) and is considered an excellent edible mushroom.

More information: Cantharellus ciborium, Wikipedia